Since 2012 the LLC PK “ENERGOSBEREZHENIE” has been developing and producing LED lightning equipment – street and industrial luminaires. Our development engineers all the while have been increasing the efficiency of the products and they have reached a record of light output at 180 lumens per watt. It made the company’s products to be one of the most required on the market of energy service contracts and it allows to save more than 70% of energy resources.

At the same time with the improvement of lightning equipment, the system of monitoring and management has also been developing until the year of 2017, when the qualitative leap took place. Being based on the most modern technologies and data transfer protocols, modules integrated into luminaires are able to create the basic infrastructure of the Internet of Things, which becomes the ground for the global ecosystem of Smart cities. And the size of a certain city and its location do not matter. Using Energy saving contracts as a financial tool, infrastructure deployment goes on absolutely without drawing budget funds making great groundwork for the future as a platform for the community of Smart cities services developers.
In the roadmap for the development of the ecosystem of Russian Digital economy, Smart cities are the hub of the ecosystem and its basic element. Smart cities are able not only to achieve costs reduction and efficiency gains due to digital technologies for companies and other economic sectors, but also to raise the quality of life for people. A decentralized system of elements of the Internet of Things in a Smart city, by using Smart contracts based on the Blockchain, can make the ecosystem transparent, protected from breaking into it and from falsifications and it will be the next step towards building a Digital economy.